Enhancing Gender-Responsive Sustainable Livestock Management and Climate Adaptation Through Participatory and Satellite Monitoring in Mexico and Guatemala

Código: 5393-00
País: Canadá
Inicio: 14/03/2024
Finalización: 30/06/2028
Tipo: Proyectos de Cooperación Técnica
This CAD$5 million project aims to boost autonomy, resilience and equity among cattle ranching families within specific regions of Mexico and Guatemala, with south-south technical cooperation from Argentina and Costa Rica. The 4-year project aims to benefit 800 households in Mexico and 500 in Guatemala, with a particular focus on women, youth and indigenous groups, who are often disproportionally affected by climate change. Under a citizen science approach, the project seeks to empower local communities to improve sustainable livestock management practices and climate change adaptation, integrating remote sensing technology as a key tool to monitor and manage these challenges.
Objetivo General:
The ultimate outcome of this project is to increase the resilience and adaptive capacity of cattle ranching communities in Mexico and Guatemala in the face of climate change.
Objetivos Específicos:
  1. To increase the participation and influence of women and girls in climate adaptation decisions within cattle ranching families, supported by equitable access to information and resources.
  2. To increase the implementation of sustainable and climate-adaptive practices informed by data-driven decision making by ranchers.
  3. To increase the integration of gender-responsive and evidence-based climate adaptation recommendations into national, regional and local policy discussions and documents.
  4. To enhance the knowledge and skills of cattle ranching families, particularly women, girls and indigenous groups in climate adaptation principles, practices and technology.
  5. To increase the knowledge and skills among cattle ranchers to integrate gender considerations into climate adaptation practices and decision-making processes.
  6. To enhance the technical capacity of cattle ranching families, including women, girls and indigenous groups, in the practical application of satellite monitoring data for farm-level climate adaptation and resilience.
  7. To enhance the technical capacity among cattle ranching families, including women, girls and indigenous groups, to implement climate adaptive and sustainable practices.
  8. To increase the awareness and commitment among policymakers to develop and implement gender-responsive climate adaptation policies that incorporate the needs and perspectives of cattle ranchers, informed by citizen science and satellite monitoring data.
  9. To enhance the autonomy, resilience and equity among cattle ranching families, particularly for women, youth and indigenous groups, in climate adaptation in targeted regions of Mexico and Guatemala.
Resultados Esperados:
  1. IICA is capable of executing the project, delivering timely and relevant information to stakeholders in Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Argentina and Costa Rica.
  2. Enhanced knowledge and skills of cattle ranching families, particularly women, girls and indigenous groups, in climate adaptation principles, practices and technologies.
  3. Enhanced technical capacity of cattle ranching families, including women, girls and indigenous groups, in the practical application of satellite monitoring data for farm-level climate adaptation and resilience.
  • Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development of Canada (DFATD)
Recursos Totales: USD 3,808,073
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