Provision of Fiduciary Management Capacity and Technical Support for Implementation of Agricultural Competitiveness Programme-ACP, the Sustainable Agricultural Productivity Programme and Support to Agricultural Competitiveness in Suriname

Código: 5050-00
País: Surinam
Inicio: 06/08/2020
Finalización: 06/02/2025
Tipo: Proyectos de Cooperación Técnica
Provision of Fiduciary Management Capacity and Technical Support for Implementation of Agricultural Competitiveness Programme (ACP), the Sustainable Agricultural Productivity Programme and Support to Agricultural Competitiveness in Suriname.
Objetivo General:
To provide fiduciary management capacity and technical support for implementation of Agricultural Competitiveness Programme (ACP), the Sustainable Agricultural Productivity Programme and Support to Agricultural Competitiveness in Suriname.
Resultados Esperados:
  1. Projects ACP (IDB Loan L1020); SAPP (IDB Loan SU-L1052) and Support to ACP (EU-CIF/IDB SU-G1004), executed efficiently, within scope, on schedule, and within budget, to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Agriculture and the IDB.
  • Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
  • Ministerie van Landbouw, Veeteelt en Visserij
Responsable: Curt Delelis Delice
Recursos Totales: USD 1,507,042
Programas Relacionados
Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible