Strengthen Public/Private Sector Extension Skills/Capacity and Systems to Transfer Best Practices to Smallholder Farmers in the Caribbean

Código: 5340-00
País: Barbados
Inicio: 01/09/2023
Finalización: 30/09/2026
Tipo: Proyectos de Cooperación Técnica
The Caribbean Agricultural Productivity Improvement Activity (CAPA) is funded by the USAID to enhance food security efforts in the Caribbean. It is a three component project with IICA being a sub prime awardee with responsibility for the third component of the intervention. The IICA managed component is a three year project that will seek to strengthen the skills and capacity of public and private sector extension providers in seven countries.
Objetivo General:
To enhance food security and socio-economic development in CARICOM through improved extension services and systems.
Objetivos Específicos:
  1. To strengthen and standardise existing methodologies and systems for providing extension services with a climate resilience orientation
  2. To enhance the capacities of extensionists to use and transfer technology and innovation to enhance food production and climate resilience
  3. To improve regional and national mechanisms, systems and networks for more effective coordination, monitoring, communication, knowledge management among extensionists and other agricultural stakeholders
Resultados Esperados:
  1. An appreciation of the state of the extension system in countries achieved to advise on training needs and aid decision making by policy makers
  2. Standardised methodologies established for facilitating capacity building in extension and climate resilience among service providers
  3. Increased capacity in the delivery of extension to producers achieved among service providers
  4. Improved networking and coordination of extension services among extension service providers to better service farmers
  • Improving Economies for Stronger Communities (IECS)
Recursos Totales: USD 800,000
Programas Relacionados
Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible