Science-Based Agricultural Biotechnology en América Latina y el Caribe

Código: 5247-00
País: Sede Central
Inicio: 01/10/2022
Finalización: 31/07/2027
Tipo: Acciones Específicas

Recursos Adicionales

Creating spaces for analysis, debate, and sharing knowledge related to biotechnology as an added value for the agricultural and livestock sector within its production processes are methodologies for building opportunities that will allow greater scope in the market positioning of this industry. This project aims to raise awareness of the importance of including biotechnology in production as part of the innovation and adaptation necessary for greater business competitiveness. It also seeks to highlight the real needs of the sector to facilitate a debate that generates solutions for change through the technical support provided by the experience of implementing biotechnology in crops.
Objetivo General:
To improve understanding of specific issues to be discussed at COP-MOPs and support participation of delegations of selected LAC countries.
Objetivos Específicos:
  1. To improve understanding of specific issues to be discussed at COP-MOPs and support participation of delegations of selected LAC countries
  2. To increase access to and markets for genetically engineered and genome-edited crops.
  3. To provide technical support in biotechnology to selected countries of LAC.
  4. To provide technical support in biotechnology and biosafety to selected countries of LAC.
  5. To support access to genetically modified and genome-edited crops.
  6. To contribute to the technical preparation of countries delegations to COP16/MOP11.
Resultados Esperados:
  1. Strengthened capabilities of selected LAC countries in gene editing through an in-person course to foster proper regulation and technical development of the technology in the selected countries.
  2. Supported LAC delegations to participate in the COP16/MOP11 meeting as a contribution to more technical, strategic, and representative discussions.
  3. Strengthened the scientific and technical institutional framework of biotechnology and biosafety in selected countries to guarantee science based decisions and avoid market barriers.
  • Foreign Agricultural Service of the United States (FAS)
  • United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Recursos Totales: USD 472,000
Programas Relacionados
Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible