Food Vulnerability Reduction in La Gonave (Phase 2) in Haiti

Código: 5243-01
País: Haití
Inicio: 28/02/2024
Finalización: 27/02/2025
Tipo: Proyectos de Cooperación Técnica

Recursos Adicionales

La Gonave Island, located off the west coast of Haiti, faces economic, social, and environmental challenges that have a direct impact on the food security and nutrition of its inhabitants. Agriculture is mainly rainfed, and prolonged droughts, natural shocks, erosion, and soil infertility have created high vulnerability and near-permanent food insecurity. The island is sparsely populated and is considered mountainous and arid from an agro-ecological standpoint. PREVAG2 is built on the foundation set by PREVAG and is based on the principle that if agricultural producers have access to improved seeds and adopt enhanced agricultural practices, then food insecurity and vulnerability will be significantly reduced on the island.
Objetivo General:
Reduce the food vulnerability of the target populations in Palma and Grand Lagon in the commune of Anse a Galets, as well in La Source and Gros Mangle in the commune of Pointe a Raquette.
Objetivos Específicos:
  1. Increase the availability of foodstuff, including animal protein particularly goat, through increased agricultural production and distribution of food kits to vulnerable families
Resultados Esperados:
  1. The vulnerability of rural families in the communal sections of Palma, Grand Lagon, La Source and Gros Mangle in La Gonave island is improved thanks to training in GAP and the Distribution of improved vegetal material and nutritious food kits
  • United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Recursos Totales: USD 1,500,000
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Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible