Food Vulnerability Reduction in La Gonave, Haiti

Código: 5243-00
País: Haití
Inicio: 23/08/2022
Finalización: 22/02/2024
Tipo: Proyectos de Cooperación Técnica

Recursos Adicionales

High political instability and the incidence of climatic shocks, coupled with limited government capacity to mitigate risks or respond to disasters, impede the country's ability to improve socio-economic development. The island of La Gonave is among the poorest regions in the country. The island is dominated by xerophytic vegetation, particularly bayahonde for charcoal production. Traditional food production is highly dependent on rainfall, which is becoming increasingly rare. This activity seeks to reduce the vulnerability of the most vulnerable population in four communal sections through the distribution of food kits, support for the introduction of more productive varieties, and energy plantations. The project will also engage in cross-sectoral activities such as gender analysis.
Objetivo General:
To reduce the vulnerability of the target population in Pikmi and Titans, communal sections of Anse a Galets, and Trou Louis, Pointe a Raquette, communal sections of Pointe a Raquette.
Objetivos Específicos:
  1. Improve the agricultural production
  2. Introduce energy plantations
  3. Distribute food kits
Resultados Esperados:
  1. 1800 farmers improved their production through Training and follow-up
  2. 2000 Charcoal producers increase their income and protect their environment using energy plantations or woodlots
  3. 340 vulnerable families can cope with food shortage thanks to the Distribution of 340 food kits
  • United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Recursos Totales: USD 3,000,000
Programas Relacionados
Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible