Strengthening Small-Scale Rural Enterprises Towards Improving Environmental Sustainability in Coastal Communities in the Districts of Nickerie and Coronie, Suriname

Código: 5208-00
País: Surinam
Inicio: 02/03/2022
Finalización: 16/02/2024
Tipo: Proyectos de Cooperación Técnica

Recursos Adicionales

Destruction of the mangrove forest removes the natural barriers to sea level rise and storm surges and causes more frequent disastrous consequences during high tides and storm conditions. Therefore, considering the important role that coastal zones are playing in the Suriname economy, their ecosystems must be prioritized to ensure their sustainability and conservation. It is therefore important to find strategies to promote the continued production of goods and services in these coastal communities but through environmentally sound and climate smart approaches which will benefit the socioeconomic development of the country as whole.
Objetivo General:
To build resilience into coastal small-scale enterprises, as well as to demonstrate and promote alternative sustainable enterprises while ensuring economic benefit to coastal residents and to ensure the sustainability of the coastal ecosystems.
Objetivos Específicos:
  1. To increase efficiency and productivity of small-scale enterprises through the adoption of environmentally sustainable production and manufacturing processes and practices.
  2. To reduce pollution rates of coastal ecosystems through adoption of good agricultural and good manufacturing processes, practices and standards.
  3. To increase knowledge and skills of coastal small-scale entrepreneurs in environmentally sustainable operations and management of their enterprises.
  4. To increase sensitization and awareness of coastal residents on monetization of the green and blue economies and the value of coastal natural resources to the resilience of their communities.
Resultados Esperados:
  1. Small-scale entrepreneurs in areas of crop and livestock rearing, beekeeping, agro-processors, fish vendors and processors, agricultural extension officers and youth entrepreneurs strengthened in utilizing climate smart agriculture- and food processing technologies for productivity enhancement and environmentally sustainable production.
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Responsable: Curt Delelis Delice
Recursos Totales: USD 109,720
Programas Relacionados
Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible