Engagement to Latin American Trade for Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards and Obligations

Código: 4998-00
País: Sede Central
Inicio: 07/09/2019
Finalización: 06/09/2024
Tipo: Proyectos de Cooperación Técnica
The implementation of the SPS Agreement and the adoption of science-based standards remain a major challenge in the region. Despite the importance of agriculture in their economies and the growing need to address and protect human, plant, and animal health, few countries have been able to undertake and sustain the comprehensive, science-based changes to their national agricultural health and food safety services necessary to fully implement the SPS and trade facilitation agreements. Through this program, technical assistance will be provided to support the development and adoption of local and regional import regulations and documentation requirements in line with international standard-setting bodies.
Objetivo General:
To promote the effective implementation of science-based and trade facilitating policy reform in Latin America based on international SPS standards and obligations.
Objetivos Específicos:
  1. Improve standard operating procedures (SOPs) for inspection, sampling, and treatments at ports of entry based on risk principles and international standards.
  2. Improve the capacity of government managers and technicians to perform fit-for-purpose analytical testing and management to achieve better public health and trade outcomes
Resultados Esperados:
  1. Capacities of selected LA countries to achieve the development and adoption of science based standards have been increased.
  • Foreign Agricultural Service of the United States (FAS)
  • United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Recursos Totales: USD 1,049,838
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