IICA Youth Farm Summer Training in Barbados

Código: 4875-00
País: Barbados
Inicio: 05/07/2019
Finalización: 31/03/2024
Tipo: Proyectos de Cooperación Técnica

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The Youth Farm Programme is an eight-week intensive training plan in crop and livestock production, and land-based fisheries. The focus is on diversified vegetables, meat, and fish for local markets. The Youth Farm emphasizes student learning in essential farming knowledge, as well as farm and business management skills. Additionally, participants will be granted a certification related to crop production, livestock rearing, and aquaculture.
Objetivo General:
To work with secondary and post-secondary students to encourage participation in agriculture as a career choice.
Objetivos Específicos:
  1. To build capacity in agriculture among youth by teaching them how to use low cost agro-technologies to produce food and earn an income on leaving school.
  2. To provide valid, portable national and Caribbean Vocational Qualifications (N/CVQs) in crop production, livestock rearing and aquaculture for participant candidates.
Resultados Esperados:
  1. Thirty young persons between the ages of 15 and 20 will have certified skills to work in the areas of aquaculture, crop production and livestock rearing.
  2. New aquaculture system installed at Deighton Griffith Secondary School and existing system refurbished. Systems to be used for Youth Farm Programme and training during the regular academic term
  3. Training modules revised and new curricula developed for livestock rearing, aquaculture, and crop production
  4. Satellite training facilities established at secondary schools for crop production, aquaculture, and livestock rearing
  • Barbados Environmental Conservation Trust (BECT)
Responsable: Roxanne Waithe
Recursos Totales: USD 141,594
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