Next Generation Sweet Potato Production in the Caribbean

Código: 5447-00
País: Jamaica
Inicio: 15/08/2024
Finalización: 15/08/2028
Tipo: Proyectos de Cooperación Técnica
The project "The Next Generation Sweet Potato Production in the Caribbean," funded by the FAO's International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources, aims to enhance food security by improving sweet potato production in three target countries. It focuses on increasing access to high-quality planting material through policies for "clean planting material" movement, providing virus-free seeds of local varieties, introducing new varieties to boost production, and identifying types suitable for value-added processing.
Objetivo General:
To boost sweet potato production across the region by identifying priority varieties, increasing farmer access to clean planting material and the introduction of new genetic materials based on industry preferred characteristics and in consultation with CARDI and Ministries of Agriculture research and extension divisions.
Objetivos Específicos:
  1. Increased access to quality planting materials will be improved by enacting policies for the movement of clean sweet potato planting materials within CARICOM, provide virus-indexed seeds of 19 priority local varieties, and upgrading infrastructure to ensure wider availability for farmers, boosting productivity through the introduction of 20 MLS varieties. Conduct participatory trials will train farmers in good agricultural practices and help identify drought and saline-tolerant varieties from the 39 candidates.
  2. Provide virus-indexed seeds of 19 priority local varieties, and upgrading infrastructure to ensure wider availability for farmers, boosting productivity through the introduction of 20 MLS varieties.
  3. Conduct participatory trials will train farmers in good agricultural practices and help identify drought and saline-tolerant varieties from the 39 candidates.
  4. Identifying sweet potato varieties suitable for flour, mash, and chip production and with non-marketable parts suitable for animal feed.
Resultados Esperados:
  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO )
Responsable: Ainsworth Riley
Recursos Totales: USD 583,000
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