Enhancing multilateral e-veterinary certification in Latin America and the Caribbean

Código: 5437-00
País: Sede Central
Inicio: 15/05/2024
Finalización: 14/05/2027
Tipo: Proyectos de Cooperación Técnica
This project proposal aims at developing a pilot for a generic e-veterinary certification scheme, for the multilateral exchange of veterinary certificates in Latin America and Caribbean Regions (LAC). An increased adoption of e-veterinary certification is expected with potential benefits on safe international trade and market access.
Objetivo General:
Increase the adoption of e-veterinary certification in LAC.
Objetivos Específicos:
  1. An operational generic e-veterinary certification system for international trade (on the basis of single window system) developed for LAC.
Resultados Esperados:
  1. An increased adoption of e-veterinary certification in LAC.
Responsable: Horrys Friaca Silva
Recursos Totales: USD 853,600
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Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible