Farm-Able Livelihoods Project for Persons with Disabilities in Barbados.

Código: 5276-00
País: Barbados
Inicio: 11/11/2022
Finalización: 31/08/2023
Tipo: Acciones Específicas
People with disabilities are a socially vulnerable and excluded group due to the stereotype of which they have been qualified. For this reason, it is important to create a change and encourage the inclusion of this population in productive activities; for example, in an agricultural sector where new production methodologies can be implemented considering the disabilities of these people. Thus, this action consists precisely in integrating young people with disabilities in adaptive agricultural technologies to participate in the local economy and thus promote the inclusion of all socially vulnerable groups in the agricultural and livestock production sector.
Objetivo General:
To integrate young people with disabilities into the local economy by introducing them to adaptive agricultural technologies, to promote inclusion in agricultural production processes.
Responsable: Roxanne Waithe
Recursos Totales: USD 25,126
Programas Relacionados
Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible