Provision of Technical Support Services Towards the Execution of the Academy of Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) in Guyana.

Código: 5273-00
País: Guyana
Inicio: 06/01/2023
Finalización: 06/06/2023
Tipo: Acciones Específicas
The Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) in Guyana provides women entrepreneurs with the knowledge and networks they need to launch and expand a successful business. In addition, this academy promotes economic opportunities and ensures the skills to develop in the agribusiness industry. Therefore, this action provides training services and technical guidance in entrepreneurship and agribusiness to women, empowering them to participate in the economy with the right skills and knowledge.
Objetivo General:
To provide training services and technical guidance in Entrepreneurship and Agribusiness Management to women in Region 6, East Berbice Corentyne.
  • WELead Caribbean
Recursos Totales: USD 12,388
Programas Relacionados
Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible